
Solita Aranguren

Solita Aranguren

Soledad Aranguren

Education: Graduated  Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota Colombia with a degree in Commercial Art. Attended the University of New York, New York City studied Commercial Art.

Employment: Currently Retired.
• Established my own commercial art and design company by the name of Artique in Bogota, Colombia. Worked with the finest Artist and Architects in the area.
• 12-24-63 Moved to Miami, Florida
• Cambridge Lamps, Hialeah, FL 33012
Head of the Art Department – Artist – Hand painted Tiffany lamps, hanging and table top. Also painted ceramic table top lamps. Mixed powdered enamels and used 24K gold. Also created 3D designs with liquidtex. Each lamp was unique and one perfect to company standards with creating new designs along the way.
• Fine Art Lamps, Hialeah, FL 33012
Head of the Art Department – Artist – Painted Molded Ceramic Lanps by hand until the company discontinued hand painted lamps and just used molds for the lamps without any hand painted designs.
All Solita’s lamps are unique and still to this day are a joy to view and function. The family still uses her lamps at home. Solita’s lamps are still in style to this day. Lamps left are only in the family. They still work but now a day the style for table lamps is dwindling with the floor lamps being more popular.
Sculpture – Creating – Perspective sculptures with red clay. Each sculpture depicts a location in Colombia or maybe something Solita might have seen in a postage stamp. Tony Aranguren her husband collected. Solita’s used postage stamps for reference material. Most of her art is from historic traditional settings while adding changes or excluding things she likes or dislikes. Solita loves to paint mountains and oceans and traditional setting from time when life was simple.
Specializes in painting with watercolor, oil, acrylic, and pastels. Hand painted lamps ceramic clay sculpture. Wood burning and painting.
Hobbies included the following and more. Likes to knit sweaters, embroidery and rug hooking. Grows orchids, plants and flowers. Favorite things is being home painting and with her family.

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Solitas Fine Art